7 Helpful Items To Have For Your Interview

Posted: May 10, 2011 in Interview Prep, Uncategorized

Often times being unprepared and caught without some crucial items can throw off your confidence level. The better prepared you are, the better you can relax and present yourself as the best solution to the employer’s problem and the tremendous asset you would be to the company! Having the follow items below will help make your interview mroe enjoyable and flow smoother!

  1. Cell phone, in case of an emergency, which is the only acceptable reason for showing up late. (Note: Turn cell phone OFF before entering company doors.)
  2. An extra or list of past employment dates, supervisors, and education in case asked to fill out a job application (Note: Leave $alary field blank.)
  3. List of at least three pre-screened references (Note: Often asked on application and asked for a copy during the interview.)
  4. Note about people you’ve spoken to while phone screening and scheduling interview.
  5. Snack (something small that will give you an energy boast if interview time is extended.)
  6. Accessories (tissues, breath mints, lip gloss, cough drops, stain lifter, etc.)
  7. Business cards ( easy access for the employer for future contacts.)


” He can inspire a group only if he himself is filled with confidence and hope of success.”     ~Floyd V. Filson


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